Monday, January 29, 2018

Weekly Update


I hope everyone enjoyed the three day weekend! I was busy at school today preparing for the third marking period! I'm excited for our students to return and to introduce our new student! It will be a very exciting day!

After reflecting on the second marking period, I want to remind you all how important it is to have your child read each night. I cannot stress enough how valuable this is to reading development. Although, we spend over an hour each day with reading instruction, students still need to understand the value of reading outside of the classroom as well. Your child should then be discussing what they read each night as well, for example, retelling the story, talking about the characters, making connections, and sharing their favorite part of the story. If you have any questions about how to help your child at home with reading, please let me know :)

Operation Comfort Cases:
Our school is participating in a community wide service project in support of an organization called Comfort Cases. Comfort Cases aims to support children in the foster care system by providing them with a new backpack or duffel bag filled with both essential supplies and comfort items to help when transitioning to a new home. Each grade level is collecting a different supply for the Comfort Cases and in 1st Grade we are asking for donations of new stuffed animals. Pinebrook will host a community-wide Comfort Cases Packing Party on Saturday, February 17th. More details to come as the event gets closer, but for now, please consider donating a new stuffed animal to be included in a Comfort Case. You may send the donation to school with your child. Thank you!

Valentine's Day Party:
Mark your calendar...our classroom Valentine's Day Party will be Wednesday, February 14th from 12:15-1:20pm in our classroom (Room 3). All families are welcome to attend. The kids will exchange Valentine cards at the party. If your child brings Valentines, please be sure that he/she has one for every student in the class. If your child wants to attach a little "something" to his/her Valentine cards, please don't attach any candy or food...little items like pencils, erasers, tattoos, or stickers are fine. Information about Valentines and about creating a collection box will be coming home in Homework folders tomorrow, Tuesday, January 30th.

Focus Areas for the Coming Week:

  • Reading-We will continue learning how to read nonfiction text and will work on retelling.
  • Writing-We will work on editing our writing to add details 
  • Math-We will continue to learn subtraction strategies
  • Science- We will continue with our Winter Changes/Animals in Winter PBL (Project Based Learning)
Please let me know if you have any questions about the information.

Enjoy your week! :) 

Friday, January 19, 2018

Weekly Update

Happy Friday!

Next week, we will be starting something new in Morning Meeting called "Circle Time." Circle Time is a Restorative Practice meant to build deeper community, empathy, and communication in our classroom. During Circle Time, we go around our meeting circle sharing our "number" for the day. We each choose a number between 1 and 5...1 means "I am having the WORST day ever," while 5 means, "This day could not get any better!" After we share our number, we share why we chose it. It helps us know what's happening in each other's hearts and minds so we (the kids and me!) can both better support each other and have a greater understanding of why someone may be acting in a particular way. We have a "Circle Time Monkey" called the "talking piece" and this means we must be holding the monkey to speak/share. I am looking forward to your feedback from your child as we begin our new Morning Meeting routine. :)

Operation Comfort Cases:
Our school is participating in a community service project in support of an organization called Comfort Cases. Comfort Cases aims to support children in the foster care system by providing them with a new backpack or duffle bag filled with both essentials supplies and comfort items to help when transitioning to a new home. Each grade level is collecting a different supply for the Comfort Cases and in 1st grade, we are asking for donations of new stuffed animals. Pinebrook will host a community-wide Comfort Cases Packing Party on Saturday, February 17th. More details will come as the event gets closer, but for now, please consider donating a new stuffed animal to be included in a Comfort Case. You may send the donation to school with your child. Thank you!

Focus Areas for the Coming Week:

  • Reading- We will continue learning more about reading nonfiction texts and practice retelling stories.
  • Writing- We will continue to practice our handwriting and start using our editing checklist to proofread our work.
  • Math- We wil begin our subtraction unit. Please continue to have your child use Reflex Math and Dreambox at home. 
  • Science-We will continue our winter changes/animal adaptation PBL (Project Based Learning) unit
Enjoy the weekend!

Friday, January 12, 2018

Weekly Update

Hello Parents!

A short weekly update before another fabulous three day weekend...

Operation Comfort Cases:
Our school is participating in a community service project in support of an organization called Comfort Cases. Comfort Cases aims to support children in the foster care system by providing them with a new backpack or duffle bag filled with both essentials supplies and comfort items to help when transitioning to a new home. Each grade level is collecting a different supply for the Comfort Cases and in 1st grade, we are asking for donations of new stuffed animals. Pinebrook will host a community-wide Comfort Cases Packing Party on Saturday, February 17th. More details will come as the event gets closer, but for now, please consider donating a new stuffed animal to be included in a Comfort Case. You may send the donation to school with your child. Thank you!

Mid-Year Literacy Assessments:
I am still in the process of our Mid-Year Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA). Those snow days have put us behind a little. Remember, the DRA assesses a student's ability to decode words, read fluently, and retell/comprehend a story. In preparation for our mid-year assessments, please ensure your child is reading each night at home. I cannot stress enough how important this is for your child to become a stronger reader. Please use the discussion guidelines on your child's weekly homework sheet to talk about his/her nightly reading or use the retelling bookmark provided at Parent Teacher Conferences.

Materials Collection for STEAM Expo:
Yesterday I sent home a bright pink flier about supplies the 1st grade classes need for Pinebrook's annual STEAM Expo. During STEAM Expo, we spend a school day exploring various topics through the integration of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math. To make this day possible, we are collecting the following supplies: cardboard, straws, tape, popsicle and craft sticks, toilet paper and paper towel rolls, index cards, pipe cleaners, construction paper, and cardstock. If you are able to donate any of theses items, please send them to school with your child. You may collect and send supplies through February. Thank you!

Third Grade Recycling Project:
Third Grade Pinebrook students are completing a Recycling PBL project. Students are trying to collect 500 pounds of plastic to create a new trash can for our playground. Our first grade classroom has a collection bin that we have been working hard to fill so we can support the third grade students with their awesome recycling project. Here is a list of items that can be collected and brought in to school with your child:

  • milk jug caps
  • detergent caps
  • hair spray caps
  • toothpaste tube caps
  • coffee creamer caps
  • deodorant caps
  • flip-top caps
  • spray paint caps
  • ointment tube caps
  • medicine bottle caps
  • marker caps
  • expo marker caps
  • highlighter caps
  • plastic pen caps
  • cottage cheese lids
  • mayonnaise jar lids
  • yogurt lids
  • peanut butter jar lids
  • cool whip container lids
  • coffee can lids
  • cream cheese lids
  • butter container lids
If you have a question about whether or not a cap/lid can be collected, please let me know so I can ask the third grade team!

Focus Areas for the Coming Week:
Reading- We will continue learning about how to become super smart nonfiction readers
Writing- We will continue our handwriting practice and learn how to edit our writing
Math- We will finish our addition unit and review before our assessment
Science-We will talk about winter changes and how animals prepare for the winter in preparation for our PBL project (Project Based Learning).
Word Study- Students received new word study words this week and will be assessed on Friday, January 19th

Remember...No school on Monday, January 15th due to MLK Jr. Day. Also, Tuesday, January 16th will be a Monday schedule so students will have Library and P.E. as their Specials. 

Have a super duper three day weekend!! :) 

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Happy New Year and Quick Update!

Hi Everyone!

Happy, Happy, Happy New Year! I have had my fill of cookies, hot cocoa, and sleep. I have read books, slept late, spent endless days in workout clothes (even if I never got around to actually working out), and binge watched a show or two on Netflix. I suppose it's time to return to routines and cook something with vegetables.  :)

This week school will also be about reestablishing routines, reminding the kids about rules and expectations, and reconnecting as a classroom family.

Here's the rest of our classroom news:

Mid-year Literacy Assessments:
Over the next month, I will administer the mid-year Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA). Remember, the DRA assesses a student's ability to decode words, read fluently, and retell/comprehend a story. In preparation for our mid-year assessments, please ensure your child is reading each night at home as part of their daily homework. The expectation is that each child reads for 15 minutes each night. Also, please remember to be using the retelling bookmark with your child, which was provided at Parent/Teacher conferences. You may also use the guidelines on your child's weekly homework sheet to talk about his/her nightly reading.

Focus Areas for This Week:

  • Reading-We will be reviewing good reader strategies for our mid-year literacy assessments. 
  • Writing- We will write about our New Year's goals and resolutions. 
  • Math-We will continue to learn and practice addition strategies.
  • Science- We will talk about winter changes and discuss how animals prepare for the winter.
  • Word Study-Continues again next week

As 2018 begins, I wish each of you a splendid year filled with so many happy memories! Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your continued support at home!