Friday, August 31, 2018

Welcome to First Grade!

Hi Everyone!

We made it through our first full week of school.  I wonder if the kids are as tired as me?  While I try to make the first weeks fun and interesting, there are times when rules and procedures are downright boring.  I have to talk a lot, and the kids have to be quite attentive.  As such, the kids really learned the nuts and bolts of our classroom this week.  Next week we'll refine some procedures, and add a few details to the procedures learned this week.  We'll continue to get to know each other as we build our classroom community.  On that note, I am impressed and thankful with how beautifully the kids are getting along.  They're including each other during recess, introducing themselves to each other, and are a very social bunch.  :)

We had our first "Den Rally" last Friday!  It's a new assembly format Mr. Thiessen introduced this year as a way to build community and better connect our teachers and students.  Once a month or so, the whole school gathers in the gym for a short morning assembly during which we listen to the school news, say the pledge together, recite the "Puma Creed", learn about social skills, and generally celebrate being part of our AWESOME Pinebrook community.  Please ask your child about our Den Rally!

We had our first "real" fire drill on Monday. It went very well! We also had out first Lockdown drill on Thursday. I am very impressed with our first grade students and their attentiveness during these important drills.

I wanted to remind you all to please kindly take a moment to subscribe to my blog if you have not done so already. This will save me some time of having to send an email update on Friday and I can just post all of my information on the classroom blog. I use this blog to communicate all school and classroom news, information, and dates.  You can follow my blog by typing your email address in the box to the right that says "follow by email".  After you input your email address, you'll receive a message to verify your address.  Simply click the link in the email to verify your email address, and you'll be subscribed forevermore with no worries about missing important information!  *Please do not skip this step.*   My blog publishes each day between 3:00 and 5:00 pm.  This means that if I have content to share, you will automatically receive an email between 3:00 and 5:00 pm that contains the new content.  If you don't receive an email, I don't have anything new posted. I typically post new content every Friday, and on other days as needed.  

Have you signed up for the Remind text messaging service?  If not, please take a moment to download the Remind app (look for the white text bubble on a blue background) from the app store and join my class.  After you download the Remind app, you can join my class by texting @grade1dru to 81010.
**Please remember that I may not be able to respond to your message right away. Please try to send me a message between 6:00am-7:00am and 2:30-5:30pm. When I am teaching throughout the day, I often don’t have time to respond to important information.**

If you haven't yet put money on your student's lunch account, you can sign up for an account on and manage your child's lunch account on-line.  You can also send a check to school with your student, but our cafeteria staff really encourages to avoid lost checks between home and school.  If you need a lunch menu, please visit the school website ( and click "school menu" in the upper right hand corner. Our lunch time is 10:57-11:27.  Please begin to send your child's daily "power snack" to school Thursday.  Please refer to the green sheet in your Back to School Night folder for more specific guidelines about snack. Remember...we do not have an in-class water fountain, so water bottles are okay too.

If you didn't bring your student's school supplies to school yet, please kindly send those as soon as possible.  Many thanks!  :)  If your child is missing a critical supply, I will send a note home so you may send the missing item as soon as possible.

Scholastic News and Science Spin:
Please see yesterday's  Thursday folder for important information about Scholastic News and Science Spin.  We will be using these student newspapers in our classroom.  Please send your child's subscription fee ($7.50 cash or check made payable to Pinebrook) by September 14th.  Thank you! 

Ice Cream:
Please ensure your child knows whether he/she may buy ice cream in the cafeteria on Fridays.  To avoid confusion in the cafeteria, I do expect the kids to know this when they come to school.  Thank you!

PTA Volunteer Welcome Coffee:
The Pinebrook PTA will hold a Volunteer Welcome Coffee on Tuesday, September 11th at 8:35 am in the Pinebrook Cafeteria.  Please come find out how you can volunteer with the PTA.  Younger children are welcome!  

Specials Schedule:
·                Monday:  PE and Music, Guidance on B Weeks only
·                Tuesday:  PE and Music
·                Wednesday:  Computer Lab or SEARCH
·                Thursday:  Art
·                Friday:  Music and PE
Please note that this schedule will also posted on the right side of this blog. 

 Our lunch time is from 10:28-10:58am. You are welcome to eat lunch with your child any day, and you may bring your child lunch purchased from a restaurant (think places like Subway, Panera, or Chick-fil-A). If you'd like to eat lunch with your child, please sign in at the school office and meet us at the cafeteria at 10:28. Please plan to say goodbye to your child in the cafeteria at the end of our lunch period as our instructional day resumes right after lunch.

A couple of reminders:
  Don't forget to send a daily snack with your child.  Snack should be something that can be eaten independently (no utensils, please) while we work.   Please label your child's snack! I have them put their snack in a crate when they get to school so they don't confuse their snack with their lunch.  I'm rethinking the plan to have snack in the afternoon.  Both yesterday and today the kids were really hungry by mid-morning, so I'm thinking I may move snack to the morning.
  Don't forget to send a water bottle with your child.  We do not have a water fountain in our classroom, so a water bottle is the only way for your child to get a drink of water during the day.
  Next week, the kids will begin to use their agendas.  They will list their weekly homework in it each Monday.  For about the next month, homework will be nightly reading.  Please refer to the instructions in the inside pocket of your child's agenda for how to log your child's nightly reading.
  Please remember to pack extra clothes in your child’s backpack in case of accidents—clothes should then be changed out appropriately for each season.  
  Your child will be starting their Daily Behavior Chart on Monday. Your child’s Daily Behavior Chart will be in the back pocket of their Homework Folder. This is a way to communicate with you your child’s behavior for the day. We change behavior charts each month. Each day your child will color in the date box to indicate what color the ended the day on. Here is a reminder of colors:
      Light Blue-Homerun
      Purple-Base Hit!
      Green-At Bat
      Yellow-Strike 1
      Orange-Strike 2
      Red-Strike 3
      Students have been practicing using the behavior clip chart this week. If you have any questions about this process, please let me know.
      Focus Areas for the Coming Week:
       Reading:  We will talk about how to use our classroom library, and procedures and expectations for Independent Reading.
       Writing:  We will complete our Fall Writing Sample.  We will begin Handwriting practice, learning about proper letter formation and starting letters at the top.
       Math:  We will continue our number sense unit.  We will count by 1's, 2's, 5's, and 10's, explore the concepts of odd and even, and compare and order numbers.
       Social Studies:  We will continue building our classroom community as we explore the qualities of a good citizen in our school, our community, and our world.

I think that's all I have for you this week.  Please reach out at anytime with questions, comments or concerns.  This weekend, I'll update the "Important Dates" section of this blog with many upcoming school and classroom events. Stay tuned!

I hope you have some family time planned in the waning days of summer too! Donal and I have some friends and family visiting from San Francisco and Connecticut. We are very excited to spend time with everyone!

Finally.....this is the first of many, many communications.  Thanks for your patience with me as I overuse emoticons, sometimes babble, and perhaps give you more information than you ever wanted.  Oh!  Please feel free to call me Hillary, both in writing and in person! Parents calling me "Miss Drumheller" makes me feel older! J