Friday, March 16, 2018

Weekly Update!

Hello Everyone!

Happy St. Patrick's Day (a day early)! I'm sure the leprechauns have lots of mischief planned.

Pinebrook Triple Play:
Please join us! Our annual Pinebrook Triple Play will be Thursday, March 22nd in the gym at John Champe High School. Doors open at 5:45 p.m. This is a fun event in which teachers from Pinebrook will play volleyball and run relay races against teachers from Buffalo Trail Elementary School. There will be food and snacks for sale, raffles, and other fun things. The first graders lead the singing of the National Anthem before the games begin. Please refer to your Pinebrook Weekly Email and Thursday folder insert for more information.

Spring Break Travel:
If your child will be absent next week, or leaving school early in advance of Spring Break, please kindly notify both the office and me. You can access the absence and early dismissal notifications on the Pinebrook homepage.

Pinebrook yearbooks are on sale now! Yearbooks may only be purchased online. To purchase a yearbook, go to and enter school code 7561118. You will be prompted through the order and payment process. The deadline to order a yearbook is April 29th. You must pre-order a yearbook if you would like your child to receive one.

Focus Areas for the Coming Week:

  • Reading- We will continue to learn about how to be a reading boss and take control of our word decoding by thinking: Does it make sense? Does it sound right? Does it look right? We are learning which strategies to use when we come to a tricky word. Lastly, we are learning to use a reading partner to help us solve tricky words...we know to help, not to tell words!
  • Writing- We will continue to learn how to write about small seed ideas and bring our stories to life by adding character thoughts, actions, words, and feelings.
  • Math- We will begin our Geometry unit by learning about plane shapes
  • Science- We will begin our Matter unit 
Questions or comments? Please reach out!

Thank you, everyone! Have a super weekend! I got a new golden retriever puppy last weekend, Raleigh, so my boyfriend and I will be busy taking him to the dog park for the first time!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks. Keep up the great work! We appreciate the hard work and dedication.
